HLA Type - Early Prehistoric Settlement and Agriculture - Artefact Scatter

Early Prehistoric Settlement and Agriculture - Artefact Scatter

People began to establish more permanent dwellings as they started to farm the land. However, evidence of their settlements and associated field systems, dating from c4000BC to 1600BC, is rare. Some individual elements, like the timber hall at Crathes in Aberdeenshire, are large but not of a size to be recorded as HLA data.

Extensive surviving examples of early prehistoric settlement have only been found in Orkney and Shetland, and consist of the remains of drystone buildings and fields bounded with stone dykes. However, in some instances modern farming turns up quite large scatters of early prehistoric artefacts, including fragments of handmade pottery, flints and worked stones. These also indicate areas of early settlement.

Early Prehistoric Settlement and Agriculture - Artefact Scatter

The image shows the site of a lithic working site at The Plan, on the Isle of Bute, where large quantities of agate implements and flakes have been found, in the scree at the foot of the slope. Prehistoric man would have quarried and made their implements at this place.

HES DP077850